On April 30, 2021, at 17.00 CET, SEA, the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup, returns with two talks. In this edition…
Shashank Gupta Joins IRLab
Shashank Gupta is joining the IRLab to work as a PhD student, supervised by Maarten de Rijke. Shashank will be…
Unwanted Product Detection Challenge
Sebastian Schelter is organizing the Bol.com Unwanted Product Detection Challenge 2021. In this challenge, the task is to automatically detect…
eCom Workshop Proposal Accepted at SIGIR 2021
eCom 2021, The SIGIR 2021 Workshop on eCommerce will be held on July 15. eCom 2021 will serve as a…
Workshop Proposal Accepted at RecSys 2021
IRLab members, in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Amherst will organize a workshop at RecSys 2021, entitled: “XMRec: Workshop on Cross-Market…
Three Papers Accepted at ICDE 2021 and SIGMOD 2021
We are proud that three papers co-authored by IRLab members have been accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Data…
Best Paper Award at WSDM 2021
Harrie Oosterhuis and Maarten de Rijke received the best paper award at the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search…
Search Engines Amsterdam: March 26
On March 26, 2021, at 17.00 CET, SEA, the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup, returns with two talks. Katrien Laenen (KU…
Thilina Rajapakse Joins IRLab
Thilina Rajapakse is joining the IRLab to work as a PhD student, supervised by Maarten de Rijke. Thilina will be…
Pablo Di Capua Joins IRLab
Pablo Di Capua joins the IRLab as a member of our support team.
Two Papers Accepted at MICROS Workshop at ECIR 2021
We are very proud that two papers co-authored by IRLab members (and with our MSc students as first authors) have…
Join the IRLab as an AI Engineer
We are looking for a new colleague who can join us as a research engineer with a strong skillset in…
Vaishali Pal Joins the IRLab
Vaishali Pal is joining the IRLab to work as a PhD student, supervised by Maarten de Rijke. Vaishali will be…
Search Engines Amsterdam Meetup: February 26
On February 26, 2021, at 17.00 CET, SEA, the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup, returns with two talks. Thorsten Joachims (Cornell…
Maartje ter Hoeve in Data Skeptic Podcast about Summarization
IRLab-member Maartje ter Hoeve discusses automatic summarization in the latest Data Skeptic podcast. Go check out the podcast at https://open.spotify.com/episode/3tuLJjyE8hCFkWZ0D4rcYr.