The following four papers co-authored by IRLab-ers have been accepted for publication at The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in…
Simon Lupart Joins the IRLab as a PhD Student
Simon Lupart is joining the IRLab today, as a PhD student. He will be working with Mohammad Aliannejadi on conversational…
Yougang Lyu Joins the IRLab as a PhD Student
Yougang Lyu is joining the IRLab today, as a PhD student. He will be working with Maarten de Rijke on…
Kidist Mekonnen Joins the IRLab as a PhD student
Kidist Mekonnen is joining the IRlab today, as a PhD student. She will be working with Maarten de Rijke on…
Yongkang Li Joins the IRLab as a PhD Student
Yongkang Li is joining the IRLab today, as a PhD student. He will be woring with Panagiotis Eustratiadis and Evangelos…
Paper Accepted at the GenRec workshop at CIKM 2023
We are proud to have the following paper co-authored by members of IRLab accepted at the 1st Workshop on Recommendation with…
Paper Accepted at NeurIPS 2023
We are proud to have the following paper co-authored by a member of IRLab accepted at the 37th Conference on Neural…
Jingwei Kang Joins the IRLab as a PhD Student
Jingwei Kang is joining the IRLab today to work as a PhD student supervised by Maarten de Rijke. He will…
Paper Accepted at ACM TOIS
We are proud to have the following paper authored by members of IRLab accepted by ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)
YuYue Zhao Joins the IRLab as a PhD Student
YuYue Zhao is joining the IRLab to work as a PhD student supervised by Maarten de Rijke. She will be…
David Vos Joins the IRLab as a PhD Student
David Vos is joining the IRLab to work as a PhD student supervised by Maarten de Rijke. He will be…
Roxana Petcu Joins IRLab as a PhD Student
Roxana Petcu is joining the IRLab to work as a PhD student supervised by Evangelos Kanoulas. She will be working…
Multiple Papers Accepted at CIKM 2023
We are proud to have the following papers co-authored by members of IRLab accepted by Conference on Information and Knowledge Management…
IRLab at SIGIR 2023
We are excited to announce the presentations given by IRLab members at the upcoming edition of SIGIR in Taipei, Taiwan.…
Multiple Papers Accepted at RecSys 2023
We are proud to have the following papers co-authored by members of IRLab accepted by the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender…